Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Literature Review Nurse Retention - 1377 Words

With the ongoing changes in the healthcare field, nursing workforce retention presents itself as one of the greatest challenges facing healthcare systems today. According to the American Nursing Association, nursing turnover is a multi-faceted issue which impacts the financial stability of the facility, the quality of patient care and has a direct affect on the other members of the nursing staff (ANA, 2014). The cost to replace a nurse in a healthcare facility ranges between $62,100 to $67,100 (ANA, 2014). The rising problem with nursing retention will intensify the nursing shortage, which has been projected to affect the entire nation, not just isolated areas of the country, gradually increasing in its scope from 2009 to 2030 (Rosseter,†¦show more content†¦The researchers surveyed 3186 nurses on staff at 56 hospitals; 52 academic hospitals and 4 non-academic hospitals. The researchers compared the results of the nurses’ surveys with information about the location of the hospital (rural or urban), the hospital environment (managerial support, good relationships among team members, the nurses’ involvement in decision-making), the nurses’ educational levels, and the staffing (nurse:patient ratio). The researchers also interviewed nurse managers and leaders to evaluate their input on nurse retention and nursing shortages in a qualitative portion of the study. In the article â€Å"Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: A mixed method study†, the researchers state â€Å"the results show that nurse staffing and the quality of the nurse practice environment (i.e. managerial support of nursing care, good relations between doctors and nurses, nurse participation in decision-making and organizational priorities on quality of care) are signiï ¬ cantly associated with intention-to-leave the hospital† (Van den Heede et al., 2013, p. 192). This association is related with increase nurse satisfaction with environment and staffing is related to decreased intention to leave the hospital, or an inverse relationship. These researchers also shed light on the fact that Magnet hospitals have far better nurse retention and nurse satisfaction. Thus, focusing on and achieving a Magnet status can be an effectiveShow MoreRelatedTransformational Leadership1196 Words   |  5 Pagestheir strengths and skills and uses them (Roussel Swansburg, 2009). Literature Review Literature Review #1 A comprehensive literature review was conducted on transformational leadership styles. According to Thyer (2003), transformational leadership may help reduce the nursing shortage (Thyer, 2003). Nurses who are being managed under a transactional style do not want to stay in the profession according to Thyer (2003). 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