Thursday, October 17, 2019

Complacent Employee, Sharon B. Buchbinder Case Study

Complacent Employee, Sharon B. Buchbinder - Case Study Example He feels beleaguered with all the busy schedule and work load and believes that his work is loved by all teachers and students. He works for long hours and stays at school till late hours to attend to all the needs and requirements of the students in the school. He is dedicated to his work assisting troubled kids and at times their families. His office is often filled with kids that need to be psychological assistance and are troubled from problem arising from either at school or home. This case involves Miller, who is satisfied with is work being fired by the administration because it aims to cut down on its cut backs and budgets. It is during one of this session that he receives an unexpected visitor. The unexpected visitor was his Boss miss Harriet who rarely visited. It was the first time for her to come to Miller’s office. When, he saw her miller immediately suspected that something was amiss. Her visits to the elementary school were always brief as she only greeted and a t times grinned to people and left the premises shortly after. However in this occasion she had something, to share with Miller and, he suspected that it was something serious. According to Miller his job entailed counseling troubled kids and ensuring that they did not end up in any stupid act. For instance, the kid he was tending to shortly before Harriet arrived was threatening to kill herself by taking several pills (Buchbinder, 380). Although, Miller was a hard worker and concentrated fully on his main task of counseling he was wrong on ignoring other prescriptions of his work. The job entitled him to write reports to administration to illustrate his contribution to the school. However, he ignored this thus leading to the administration to conclude that he was doing nothing. Although he explains to his boss that he is industrious, and works for lengthy hours he was wrong to ignore writing of reports which was significant to the administration. By ignoring his duties, and assumin g the reports could wait was wrong. Bob also assumed that the reports meant for the superiors were unnecessary (Buchbinder, 379). This was detrimental to his career because part of the consequence would be him losing his job. Without those reports, this was because his superiors could not know whether he was performing his duties but assume that he was sitting at his desk doing nothing. The administration way of assessing its employees is ineffective. This is because no one supervises Bob or requests for the reports. This indicates the weakness of the school administration. It does not have a personal touch with it employees thus leading to the situation such as Bob’s. It is only ethical that when someone makes a mistake mostly in the working place, they should be warned at least once before firing them. It came as a shock to Bob when the news of his lay off was broken to him as he was not aware. Everything was done in a short notice that did not even prepare him psychologica lly. Bad news, such as a person losing a job is not something that should be done in a hurried manner, for they might cause serious repercussions (Sims, 1). The administration should have at least notified its employees of the planned layoffs. This was unfair to the employees such as Bob who are left jobless without an arranged plan B. Using a short notice to fire puts Bob in a peculiar position as he believes he has devoted his life to labor for the school; thus he deserves a decent treatment despite his flaws. It is also disheartening to discover that the administration has already lined up a replacement for Bob even before he has left. The administration has already hired the services of a part-time psychologist from Melville middle School to take Bob’s position (Buchbinder, 380). However, it is true that Bob’

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