Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Get a Job Easily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to Get a Job Easily - Essay Example The paper explores the difficulties in getting hired for required position and analyses why some people cannot find a job easily even if they are expert in their field. Or how can we reflect the true picture about our skills which can fit with the required position. Therefore, it's important for work seekers to learn some steps in order to get hired at the first attempt. However, the realization of this desire does not happen easily and automatically. To some, it is a whole nightmare to go through the job searching process because of the numerous records of how other people have failed. But the proposition of whether getting job easily or through the hardest way out is a phenomenon that does not happen by chance. It actually takes a person to work his or her way through to getting a job easily. To most job experts, there is a three-tier model or principle that if the job seeker uses, he or she is much likely to land on a job easily. This three-tier model is dubbed good CV-good search method-good interview. The simple implication behind this model is for the job seeker to first and foremost have very good curricula vitae (CV), use an effective job searching medium and also have command over interviews. In the first instance, a curriculum vitae or resume should be seen as a fundamental tool in getting a good job. The resume is actually a powerful ultra scan tool that has the power of bringing to light the potentials and capabilities of the job seeker that cannot be readily seen through observation. The resume therefore speaks for the job seeker by outlining his qualifications, skills, interests, aims, experiences and ambitions for a given job. It is therefore important that job seekers approach the designing of their resumes professionally. It must be recognized that the resume is considered by most employers as an academic principle that ought to follow certain strict format and procedure. It is therefore important to include such things as name, date of birth, address, contacts, work history master list, list of experiences starting from the latest one, qualification and training master list, interests and referees. It is also important to make available on demand certificates and other documentations to proof everything that is stated on the resume. Above all, the resume needs to be accompanied with a cover letter, explaining why one is interested in a particular organization and determine the pertinent skills and experience. After settling with a very good resume, one has to take decision on the job search method to use. To find job easily, it is advised that a job seeker will cast his net wide. It is wrong for a person to put all his eggs in one basket because in that case if the person loses that basket he losses all his eggs. In other words, it is prudent to use as varying means and media of searching for job as possible. Ultimately, the internet, newspaper, radio and job hunt agencies would do. A modern and effective trend has also been found to be the use of networking whereby a person relies on information of job openings from friends, relatives and old mates. This is very effective because it has been research that most job openings are not advertised in any of the mediums stated above (Gardener, 2009). This way, a person will be exposed to wider range of job openings. This will give the job seeker the opportunity to be highly selective of the kind of jobs to go for and those to avoid based on experience and qualification. Ultimately, the job seeker but remember that the fact that he needs a job does not mean that he should apply for just any job opening at all even if that does not meet his qualifications

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